
Best shot in 2k16
Best shot in 2k16

When you're on defense, the right stick can be used in several ways. The left analog stick controls your movements around the court while the right controls your more precise movements. Practicing when you release with each character will help your game. Try shooting with players who take iconic shots - Michael Jordan and Stephen Curry are good examples.

best shot in 2k16

His advice for attaining a green release regularly? Don't look at the meter. The secret is watching the character animations during a shot. A jump shot is usually released at the apex of the jump. The shot meter was just a better way to visualize what was happening.” “We didn’t really change the fundamental way the shot system worked. Game Director Mike Wang revealed the secret to shooting perfectly almost every time: Shooting mechanics have't changed much since 2K14. By showing how shooting works, players more easily grasp the concept and have something to follow. The shot meter hasn't added any new mechanics - it only opens them up to players. Perfectly timing a release will make the meter flash and glow green for a few moments.

best shot in 2k16

The game will let you know when you release a little too early or too late. It starts when you press the shot button, the goal is to release as close to the center as possible. Here are some tips and suggestions to improve your game even further. Understanding both video game and basketball mechanics will really push your level up on this game.

Best shot in 2k16